TMJ Dentist

Proper diagnosis of TMJ syndrome is critical to make sure you receive treatment for your particular condition. At Long Island Dental Excellence in Rockville Centre we will only recommend treatment after conducting a thorough health history, clinical exam, taking appropriate X-rays, and perhaps confirming the condition through other diagnostic tests.

Dr. Rechter may prescribe a multiple-phase treatment plan, or he may conclude that Only minor corrective treatment is needed. Treatment may be simple or require more steps for alleviating the condition, depending on the degree of severity. Some of these treatments include:

  • Taking a non-aspirin pain reliever or prescription medications such as muscle relaxants, analgesics, or anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Eating soft foods
  • Avoiding chewing gum
  • Applying moist heat or ice
  • Physical therapy
  • Teaching relaxation techniques to control muscle tension
  • Stress management training techniques
  • Posture training
  • Wearing bite plates to eliminate the harmful effects of clenching or grinding the teeth, and a better positioning of the jaws
  • Adjusting the bite, known as "occlusal equilibration" involving removing interferences when the teeth touch
  • Replacement of defective restorations that prevent the jaws from meeting properly
  • Orthodontics, to put the teeth in proper position
  • Surgery

In most cases we treat at Long Island Dental Excellence in Rockville Centre, the symptoms related to TMJ disorders can be successfully treated to reduce or eliminate your discomfort. Postponement of treatment usually results in more damage to the joint, muscles, or teeth.

For more information about how we can help you with TMJ problems, call Long Island Dental Excellence at (516) 766-0122 and we will be happy to help you.

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(516) 766-0122

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Long Island Dental Excellence
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Dr. Michael J. Rechter

Dr. Demetrios Tsiokos - Periodontist

Dr. Jinkyu Im

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Long Island Dental Excellence
100 N. Centre Ave. Suite 402
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
General Info: (516) 766-0122
Comfortable, Affordable Care

 Call for an appointment:
(516) 766-0122

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